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red wine supplier wine glasses

Why Do Wine Glasses Come In Different Shapes And Sizes?

The importance of the size and shape of wine glasses is a frequently discussed topic, and there are genuine reasons for the matching of glassware to the type of wine. Here’s a look at the art of choosing and using wine glasses correctly, so you will always be able to serve guests with confidence and get the best out of your wine drinking experience.

Selecting the right glasses for red wine

The glasses for red wine are the tallest and have the broadest bowl. This is to create a large surface area to allow the wine to aerate more fully before you taste it. Contact with air allows the rich aromas and flavours of red wine to breathe, and the larger bowl enables more sophisticated and complex flavours to develop. 

Fill the glass about one third full, and hold the glass by the stem and give it a gentle swirl to further release the aromas before sipping.

Selecting the right glasses for white and rosé wine

White and rosé wine is best served in a medium sized glass with a U-shaped bowl to preserve the chill and crispness of the wine. Unlike red, white wine does not react with oxygen so a larger glass is unnecessary. The smaller glass makes it easier for the delicate flavours and aromas to emerge.

Fill the glass about half full to maintain the cool temperature, and hold by the stem to avoid warming the bowl with your fingers. 

Selecting the right glasses for sparkling wine

Sparkling wine should be served in a tall slender flute to contain the bubbles and preserve the fizz, which begins to diminish when the wine comes in contact with oxygen. The shape of the glass also showcases the movement and sparkle of the wine to best advantage. Fill the glass about three quarters full to avoid overflow, and hold by the base or the stem.

Selecting the right glasses for dessert wine

Dessert wine glasses are small to help concentrate the intense sweetness and richness of the flavours. Wines such as port and sherry are also typically fortified, which means that they have a much higher alcohol content than other types of wine, so you don’t want to be consuming large volumes of it. The intensity of the flavour is best savoured in small doses. 

Fill the glass about one-quarter to half full depending on the strength of the wine, and serve slightly chilled or at room temperature.

Caring for wine glasses

Always wash wine glasses by hand with a mild detergent, and rinse thoroughly to cleanse them of residue. Wipe them to avoid water stains and buff gently to a shine. Store them upright or hanging upside down in a secure rack. 

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